Hole in the Ozone layer: Hole in the head Actually

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Four companies controlled the patents for CFC's, the fundamental ingredient for refrigeration. These patents started running out in the late 80's and as chemical factories of the developing world started to take over market share a world wide campaign was initiated to ban CFC's. Why? The developing world is in dire need of refrigeration; the food industry and health industry are just two examples.

Massive profits can be made. But those in current power want those profits and looked for a reason...they decided that the CFC'c cause the ozone layer to deplete. And the hoax, backed by massive amounts of money has worked.

Massive amounts of money are at play and the aforesaid four companies have patents on the replacements. Nothing can cause a hole in the ozone layer...ask any proper scientist, not the opinion mongerers and the media hungry and of course the media itself.

I could understand if illiterate, uneducated, uninitiated masses were the culprits for this massive fraud...no, the campaign is aimed at the intelligent, educated status conscious fools. Those who can repeat what they have heard from 'informed sources' and further influence opinion. Those who never stop and question whether they actually understand or even have the basic knowledge to understand the topic in question.

Question anyone you meet who 'believes' in this myth and you will soon discover they are repeating other 'authentic', 'reliable' authorities. It is such a travesty for us in the developing world to be treated in this manner..but we are the root cause because we never see where the self-interest of others lies and do not question the benevolence of others who are 'looking out for us and for the planet'.

Here is why there is no such thing as a 'Hole in the ozone layer':

A molecule of oxygen has two oxygen atoms. In the upper atmosphere, high energy ultra violet rays split this molecule to create free oxygen atoms. These combine with a molecule of oxygen to create a three atom molecule of oxygen called Ozone. This is an ongoing process at an altitude of about 30 km above the earth and these mlecules sink and move around to create a layer from about 17 to 30km above the earth.

Now how would you even create a case for CFC's to affect this process?

The idea is that when CFC's are released they rise into the atmosphere, are split open by the same UV rays and a free chlorine atom is released. This chlorine atom combines with one of the three oxygen atoms of ozone to create Chlorine monoxide and a normal two atom oxygen molecule.

That is it...the entire process...that has launched this massive campaign. Now is this process possible and is it significant.

Let us look at some examples of chlorine releasing from natural events:

i) Ocean spray + thunderstorms release 600 million tons per year
ii) Volcanoes release 36 million tons per year
iii) other natural phenomenon: 14 million tons per year

Compared to this, leakage of CFC chlorine is 7.5 tons per year.

Now, this chlorine from all these events has to rise 30 km so that UV rays can split off the chlorine atom which then has to come into contact with the ozone molecule etc...Only 2% of the CFC's get as high as 30km because of the thermal inversion layer. The number of interactions is therefore even more limited..in other words, if you cannot get there, you are unlikely to meet.

Further there are 136 million oxygen molecules for every 'free' chlorine molecule..so the replenshing of the ozone layer continues unabated. It is an ongoing process..never changing.

To illustrate further, one volcanic eruption puts out over 100 million tons of chlorine into the atmosphere..or the equivalent of 15 years worth of CFC's....imagine the past when active volcanoes were legion...the ozone layer is there today.

Then of course we have the 'increase in skin cancer' argument. Australia seems to have the highest incidence of skin cancer..but it is virtually unheard of among the aborigines. Globalization has allowed people to move away from their natural habitats and this creates new dangers. For example the incidence of death by drowning goes up as you get closer to the equator...it is not the water that is more lethal, it is just that people do not go swimming in the arctic. The same applies to the 'skin cancer argument. Enough said.

I want to go into the 'Hole' over the south pole..but I will leave that for another day...digest this so far.


UPA Government 2004-2008: Rest in Peace

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

India has been governed by a coalition group called,UPA, since 2004. Soon it will be time for the people to give their verdict; report cards will be issued by those in power and those in opposition. So, here is a preliminary view.

Terrorists strikes in the country "seem" to be increasing and indigenous terrorist organizations "seem" to be growing unchecked. Ordinary citizens in metropolitan areas of India are more insecure today than in 2004. There were bombs earlier as well but it is the scale of strikes today and their regularity which is numbing. Further, it is the almost absolute silence on the subject from the government which is terrifying. And, of course, the disparate public views of the coalition partners add to the insecurity.

Overall, the UPA rates an F on security.

UPA came to power when the economy was in an upswing and that upswing continued for some time registering record breaking GDP growth. Now, at the end of its mandate when the effect of UPA economic policies is in full force, we having slowing GDP growth, double digit inflation, double digit interest rates, falling foreign investment, falling Rupee, and some economic insecurity.

Confronted with these negative developments the UPA is in full denial; blame is placed on speculators in foreign countries. We all like to blame someone else for our problems; the government it seems agrees with this approach. A formal approach, a road map, a plan of action; something for us to latch on to in these insecure times and have faith in our government is missing. Well, I suppose it could be worse, but i cannot imagine How?

Overall, the UPA rates a D on the Economy.

Transportation: Getting from one place to another is awful except for railways; all flights are delayed because airport infrastructure is awful...travelling by roads means travelling by pothole in search of a road...there is no solution in sight because government plans to be implemented over the next five years will handle traffic from 5 years ago...

Power: There is no discernable improvement in the power situation...the government has pursued the nuclear deal with the promise that in the long term nuclear power is basic to solving the country's power shortage. We agree with the pursuit of the nuclear power option; however, the plants will come on stream in 7 to 10 years. And the shortage will be increasing exponentially. What about this coming decade?

For its courageoous pursuit of the nuclear option, we applaud the government; for its handling of our day to day needs and providing plans to reduce our energy insecurity we can only denounce the government.

Water: The UPA's policy on this diminishing vital resource is a nod that it exists. From Kashmir to Assam, major fresh water resouces are under attack. In the centre, the water table is dropping. The rivers are polluted and getting worse.

Waste Management: The cities, towns, villages are filty...this is a source of disease and illnesses which are a huge drain on the limited health care sector...there is no articulated short or long term policy on waste management.

Health Care: Would you want your health to be in the hands of a government run hospital? And the level keeps dropping despite increase in tax collections. Where is the short or long term policy that we can all believe in?

Education: Six years ago, the NDA, forced a consititutional amendment that made education compulsory till the age of 14. The UPA has still not brought in the enabling legislation whereby funds would be allocated to make this a reality. Any school is an improvement on no school; it seems the UPA does not yet agree.

Overall, on infrastructure the UPA rates a D.

From the Dhaba, to the UPA government, your time seems to be up: Rest in Peace.


Sharad Pawar: SIMI and Bajrang Dal

Sharad Pawar, cabinet minister, has decided to check logic and intelligence at the door as he walks in for his speech. In search of minority (muslim) votes he says "if SIMI is a terror outfit..." why the "if" Mr Pawar...you are a member of the cabinet that insisted on labelling SIMI and your colleague the Law Minister took it to the Supreme court. Or do you not know what "if" means.


Mr Pawar continues the sentence with "...then Bajrang Dal is also a terrorist outfit". Well sir, why do you not go to the courts as you did when you labelled SIMI...it was your government that has appealed to the Supreme Court regarding SIMI..why are you mouthing off instead of acting through the judicial process. The Law minister, your colleague in cabinet, is silent on the matter. Don't you talk to each other?

Please do not embarass yourself with this vote-bank politics which appeals to the least in us...there is no need for the equation unless you have completely lost your moral compass and ethical standards.SIMI IS a terrorist outfit..your government has argued this with evidence and the Supreme Court has agreed. End of matter.

Bajrang Dal is an organization involved in many activities..should these prove to be criminal and further defined to be terrorist activites then prosecute the organization. However, do it in a manner that you would like the ordinary citizen to follow....organized, ethically, before the courts...not braying like a bloodhound in scent of a kill.

Do not equate two different organization because it is convenient...they stand on their own and should be judged independently based on their actions.

Please, Mr Minister, gather your logic and intelligence before you leave...


Where is the Government of India?

Lalu Prasad Yadav, former Chief Minister of Bihar and now cabinet minister in charge of Railways, calls for the ban on SIMI to be lifted. A day later, SIMI leaders are arrested for killing hundreds of innocent men, women and children across the country by planting bombs in rush hour traffic and more bombs in cars that followed ambulances carrying injured to the hospital. Lalu makes no apology or comment and no one in leadership of any kind makes any comment.

Mirwaiz of Kashmir tell Sardesai of IBN during a panel discussion with two Jammu leaders that he will guarantee the safety of Yatris to Amarnath. Sardesai does not ask the Mirwaiz how he has got such control over the terrorists..neither does anyone else.

Shaban Azmi says Indian democracy is unfair to muslims forgetting the number of sucess stories of muslims are legion..she being a case in point..Show me a muslim society where a minority religious group thrives and can achieve the Presidency.

Advani, the head of the Opposition say the fight in Kashmir is between Nationalists and Separatists...Singh, the Prime minister pours fuel on the fire by saying in his August 15 address that we should not divide on the basis of religion.  But his party, the Congress, agreed to exactly that in 1947 when they Partitioned the country on the basis of religion.

Abdullah, a member of the governing UPA coalition says that we should formally start debating 'Azadi' for Kashmir. Government spokepersons say that territorial integrity of India is non-negotiable. No one from the governing Congress makes any comments of support or censure of Abdullah.

Jammu and Srinagar are both burning and rioting; however, the Home Minister is missing in action....no comments, no appearances...the Home Minister is Shivraj Patil in case all of us had forgotten! Well, he did praise the Gujarat government for its handling of the post terrorist strikes situation in the state...this must have been a NO NO.

It seems that every member of this UPA coalition can publicly take any stand they want without comment or censure from the Government; do these coalition partners agree with the stand that is officially taken by the government in "the Supreme Court", "the Legislative Assembly", and in "the media" through official spokepersons?

So, my question is: Where is the Goverment of India?